MCQs for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

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MCQs for Class 10 Social Science History Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
1. Choose the correct nationality of the artist Frederic Sorrieu who visualised in his painting a society made up of Democratic and Social Republic.
(a) German
(b) Swiss
(c) French
(d) American
Answer: (c) French
2. When did the French Revolution start?
(a) 1789
(b) 1879
(c) 1780
(d) 1769
Answer: (a) 1789
3. Who was called the Árchitect of Germany’s Unification?
(a) Napoleon
(b) Ottto Von Bismarck
(c) Mazzini
(d) Garibaldi
Answer: (b) Ottto Von Bismarck
4. What type of conservative regimes were set up in 1815 in Europe?
(a) Autocratic
(b) Democratic
(c) Aristocratic
(d) Dictatorial
Answer: (a) Autocratic
5. Nationalism brought about in Europe the emergence of :
(a) The Nation State
(b) The Modern State
(c) Multinational Dynastic State
(d) Alliances formed among many European states
Answer: (a) The Nation State
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6. ‘Nationalism’, which emerged as a force in the late 19th century, means
(a) strong devotion for one’s own country and its history and culture.
(b) strong devotion for one’s own country without appreciation for other nations.
(c) strong love for one’s own country and hatred for others.
(d) equally strong devotion for all the countries of the world.
Answer: (a) strong devotion for one’s own country and its history and culture.
7. When was Ireland forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom ?
(a) 1798
(b) 1801
(c) 1800
(d) 1799
Answer: (b) 1801
8. Which of the given aspects signifies the image of ‘Germania’.
(a)Fold and Cultural Tradition
(b)Auterity and Asceticism
(c)Revenge and Vengeance
(d)Heroism and Justice
Answer: (d) Heroism and Justice.
9. Identify the French artist who prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world from the following:
(a) Kitagewa Utamaro
(b) Richard M Hoe
(c) Voltaire
(d) Frederic Sorrieu
Answer: (d) Frederic Sorrieu
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10. The first clear expression of Nationalism in Europe came with :
(a) The American Revolution
(b) The French Revolution
(c) The Russian Revolution
(d) The Industrial Revolution
Answer: (b) The French Revolution
11. Pick out the correct definition to define the term ‘Plebiscite’.
(a) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which only the female members of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
(b) Plebiscite is a direct vote by the female members of a matriarchal system to accept or reject a proposal.
(c) Plebiscite is a direct vote by only a chosen few from the total population of a parti-cular region to accept or reject a proposal.
(d) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the citizens of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
Answer: (d) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the citizens of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.
12. Each power – Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungary – was keen on countering the hold of other powers over the Balkans, this became one of the major reasons for …………
(a) First World War
(b) Second World War
(c) Fall of the Ottomon Empire
(d) Integration of the Balkan States
Answer: (a) First World War
13. When the Greek struggle for Independence begins?
Answer: (a)1821
14. Napoleon invaded Italy in
(a) 1821
(b) 1790s
(c) 1905
(d) 1797
Answer: (b) 1790s
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15. The ideas of a United Community enjoying equal rights under a Constitution were expressed by the French as :
(a) La Patrie
(b) Le Citoyen
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c) Both (a) and (b)
16. Ernst Renan believed that the existence of nations is a necessity because
(a) it ensures protection to all inhabitants.
(b) it ensures liberty to all inhabitant citizens.
(c) it ensures Parliamentary form of govern-ment to its inhabitants.
(d) it ensures jobs and good health to all its inhabitants.
Answer: (b) it ensures liberty to all inhabitant citizens.
17. Which area was the most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871?
(a) Southern Europe
(b) mid Europe
(c)Balkan States
(d)Eastern States
Answer: (c)Balkan States
18. What the crown of oak leaves symbolise?
(a) Peace
Answer: (b)Heroism
19. Who was proclaimed King of united Italy in 1861?
(a) Victor Emmanuel II
(b) Louis Philippe
(c) Mazzini
(d) Cavour
Answer: (a) Victor Emmanuel II
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20. Frederic Serrieu, a French artist, in his series of four prints (1848) visualised his dream of a world as:
(a) A world made up of ‘democratic and social republics’
(b) A world made up of one nation, one world
(c) A world with one absolute ruler
(d) A world following one religion, one language
Answer: (a) A world made up of ‘democratic and social republics’
21. Which of the following countries did not attend the Congress of Vienna?
(a) Britain
(b) Russia
(c) Prussia
(d) Switzerland
Answer: (d) Switzerland
22. How many wars over seven years – with Austria, Denmark and France – ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of unification?
(a) four
(b) three
(c) six
(d) two
Answer: (b) three
23. Which sentence best explains the Utopian Society?
(a)A society where everyone is equal
(b)A society with a comprehensive constitution
(c)An idealist society which can never be achieved
(d)A democratic society
Answer: (c)An idealist society which can never be achieved
24. Which of the following artists painted the image of Germania?
(a) Philip Veit
(b) Frederic Sorrieu
(c) Ernst Renan
(d) Richar M Hoe
Answer: (a) Philip Veit
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25. What kind of political and constitutional change was brought about by the French Revolution?
(a) It ended the absolute monarchy
(b) It transferred power to a body of the French citizens
(c) It proclaimed that henceforth people would constitute the nation and shape its destiny
(d) All the above
Answer: (d) All the above
26. The first great revolution which gave the clear idea of nationalism with its core words: ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ was:
(a) The Russian Revolution
(b) The French Revolution
(c) The American Revolution
(d) India’s First War of Independence
Answer: (b) The French Revolution
27. In which year did Louis Philippe flee and the National Assembly was proclaimed a Republic?
(a) 1846
(b) 1848
(c) 1845
(d) 1847
Answer: (b) 1848
28. Which of the following treaty gave Greece a recognition of an independent nation?
(a)Treaty of Vienna
(b)Treaty of Versailles
(c)Treaty of Lausanne
(d)Treaty of Constantinople
Answer:(d)Treaty of Constantinople
29. Who said ‘When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold’?
(a) Garibaldi
(b) Bismarck
(c) Mazzini
(d) Duke Metternich
Answer: (d) Duke Metternich
30. The Civil Code of 1804, also known as the Napoleonic Code, established :
(a) Equality before the law
(b) Secured the right to property
(c) Did away with all the privileges based on birth
(d) All the above
Answer: (d) All the above
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31. The French revolutionaries declared that the mission and destiny of the French nation was
(a) to conquer the people of Europe.
(b) to liberate the people of Europe from despotism.
(c) to strengthen absolute monarchies in all the countries of Europe.
(d) to propagate the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity in every part of the world.
Answer: (b) to liberate the people of Europe from despotism.
32. What happened at the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832?
(a) revolutionary nationalism in Europe sparked off
(b) struggle for independence amongst the Greeks began
(c) Greece was recognised as an independent nation
(d) European civilisation and mobilised public opinion to support its struggle against a Muslim empire
Answer: (c) Greece was recognised as an independent nation
33. Romanticism refers to which movement.
(a)Political Movement
(b)Religious Movement
(c)Cultural Movement
(d)Literary Movement
Answer: (c)Cultural Movement
34. What happened to Poland at the end of 18th century. Which of the following answers is correct?
(a) Poland achieved independence at the end of the 18th century.
(b) Poland came totally under the control of Russia and became part of Russia.
(c) Poland became the part of East Germany.
(d) Poland was partitioned at the end of the 18th century by three Great Powers: Russia, Prussia and Austria.
Answer: (d) Poland was partitioned at the end of the 18th century by three Great Powers: Russia, Prussia and Austria.
35. Socially and politically dominant class in Europe during mid-eighteenth century was __________ .
(a) The Nobility
(b) The landed aristocracy
(c) The Church
(d) The absolute monarchs
Answer: (a) The Nobility
36. The Civil Code of 1804 in France is usually known as:
(a) The French Revolutionary Code
(b) Napoleonic Code
(c) European Imperial Code
(d) The French Civil Code
Answer: (b) Napoleonic Code
37. Who was Giuseppe Mazzini, what did he do?
(a) French revolutionary, formed groups
(b) British statesman, gave a speech
(c) Russian politician, wrote a book
(d) Italian Revolutionary, founded two underground societies – Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne and opposed monarchy
Answer: (d) Italian Revolutionary, founded two underground societies – Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne and opposed monarchy
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38. Who formed the secret society called ‘Young Italy’.
(c)Johann Gottfried Herder
(d)Otto Von Bismarck
39. Who played the leading role in the unification of Germany?
(a) German Emperor (formerly King of Prussia) – Kaiser William I.
(b) Otto Von Bismarck (Prussian Chief Minister).
(c) Johann Gottfried Herder – German philosopher.
(d) Austrian Chancellor – Duke Metternich.
Answer: (b) Otto Von Bismarck (Prussian Chief Minister).
40 .All the new regimes, set up in 1815, were autocratic because:
(a) They did not tolerate criticism and dissent
(b) They imposed censorship laws to control what was said in newspapers, plays, songs etc.
(c) They curbed activities which questioned their legitimacy
(d) All the above
Answer (d) All the above
41. The Napoleonic Code was exported to which of the following regions?
(a) England
(b) Spain
(c) Regions under French control
(d) Poland
Answer: (c) Regions under French control
42. When did the Treaty of Vienna take place and who were the participants?
(a) 1816, Britain, Russia, Prussia
(b) 1815, Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria
(c) 1820, Britain and Russia
(d) 1817, Russia, Prussia, Austria
Answer: (b) 1815, Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria
43. Before the Revolution in France in 1789, which of the following types of government were functioning there.
(c)Body of French Citizen
(d) Dictatorship
Answer: (a)Monarchy
44. Three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark, Germany and France, ended in
(a) Danish victory
(b) Prussian victory
(c) French victory
(d) German victory
Answer: (b) Prussian victor
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45. Name one kind of revolt that started in Europe in 1848.
(a) Linguistic Revolt in Germany
(b) Artisans, industrial workers and peasants revolted against economic hardships
(c) Revolt against monarchy in Switzerland
(d) Revolt for freedom in Greece
Answer: (b) Artisans, industrial workers and peasants revolted against economic hardships
46. The liberal nationalism stands for:
(a) freedom for the individual and equality before law.
(b) preservation of autocracy and clerical privileges.
(c) freedom for only male members of society and equality before law.
(d) freedom only for senior citizens.
Answer: (a) freedom for the individual and equality before law.
47. What was conservatism?
(a) strict rules on the society
(b)social norms became conservative
(c) monarchy, the Church, social hierarchies, property and the family – should be preserved
(d) different norms for different classes
Answer: (b)social norms became conservative
48. Italian Princely house ruled which of the following states before the Unification of Italy.
(d)Kingdom of two Sicilies
Answer: (a)Sardania-piedmont
49. Who was proclaimed the emperor of Germany in 1871?
(a) Otto Von Bismarck
(b) Victor Emmanuel II
(c) Count Cavour
(d) Kaiser William I of Prussia
Answer: (d) Kaiser William I of Prussia
50. Which new spirit guided European nations after Napoleon’s defeat?
(a) Fascism
(b) Conservatism
(c) Nazism
(d) Communism
Answer: (b) Conservatism
51. The term ‘Universal Suffrage’ means:
(a) the right to vote and get elected, granted only to men.
(b) the right to vote for all adults.
(c) the right to vote and get elected, granted exclusively to property owning men.
(d) the right to vote and get elected, granted only to educated men and women.
Answer: (b) the right to vote for all adults.
52. What did the customs union or zollverein do?
(a) abolished tax
(b) abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two
(c) abolished tariff charges and reduced the currencies to 5
(d) only abolished tariff barriers
Answer: (b) abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two
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53. Which one of the following was not the feature of Napoleonic Code?
(a) Equality before the law
(b) Universal Adult Franchise
(c) Right to Property
(d) Privileges based on birth
Answer: (d) Privileges based on birth
54. The denial of universal suffrage in Europe, led to _________________.
(a) Revolutions
(b) Women and non-propertied men organising opposition movements, demanding equal rights throughout 19th and early 20th centuries
(c) Demand of equal political rights
(d) Return of monarchy
Answer: (b) Women and non-propertied men organising opposition movements, demanding equal rights throughout 19th and early 20th centuries
55. The Treaty of recognized Greece
as an independent nation:
(a) Vienna 1815
(b) Constantinople 1832
(c) Warsaw 1814
(d) Leipzig 1813
Answer: (b) Constantinople 1832
56. A merchant travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would have had to pass through ……………….
(a) 11 customs barriers
(b) no custom barriers
(c) 6 custom barriers
(d) 3 custom barriers
Answer: (a) 11 customs barriers
57. Who hosted the ‘Treaty of Vienna’?
(a) Frédéric Sorrieu
(b) Victor Emmanuel
(c) Duke Metternich
(d) Giuseppe Garibaldi
Answer: (c) Duke Metternich
58. In the 19th century, the French artists symbolised the French nation as :
(a) Marianne, a popular Christian name for women
(b) Marianne, a female figure, with a red cap, the tricolour and the cockade
(c) As a female named Marianne, with characteristics of liberty (a red cap, a broken chair) and the Republic (the red cap, tricolour and the cockade)
(d) All the above
Answer: (c) As a female named Marianne, with characteristics of liberty (a red cap, a broken chair) and the Republic (the red cap, tricolour and the cockade)
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59. Who became the King of United Italy in 1861?
(a) Giuseppe Garibaldi
(b) Victor Emmanuel II
(c) Count Cavour
(d) Giuseppe Mazzini
Answer: (b) Victor Emmanuel II
60. In revolutionary France, the right to vote and to get elected was granted exclusively to ………………….
(a) property-owning men
(b) all
(c) Men and women
(d) upper class
Answer: (a) property-owning men
61. The political and constitutional changes brought about by the French Revolution were:
(a) it ended the absolute monarchy.
(b) It transferred power to a body of the French citizens.
(c) It proclaimed that henceforth people would constitute the nation and shape its destiny.
(d) All the above.
Answer: (d) All the above.
62. The purpose behind the painting “The Massacre at Chios” by Eugene Delacroix, 1824, was:
(a) To appeal to the emotions of the spectators and create sympathy for the Greeks
(b) To dramatise the incident in which 20,000 Greeks were killed
(c) To focus on the suffering of women and children
(d) All the above
Answer: (d) All the above
63. What helped in the formation of a nation-state in Britain?
(a) The formation of a nation-state in Britain was the result of a sudden upheaval.
(b) In 1688, the monarchy in Britain had seized the power from English Parliament.
(c) The parliament through a bloodless revolution seized power from the monarchy which gradually led to the emergence of a nation-state.
(d) The British nation was formed as a result of a war with Scotland and Wales.
Answer: (c) The parliament through a bloodless revolution seized power from the monarchy which gradually led to the emergence of a nation-state.
64. The allegory of the German nation who wears a crown of oak leaves was a:
(a) Marianne
(b) Union Jack
(c) Britannia
(d) Germania
Answer: (d) Germania
65. What is Suffrage?
(a) Right to property
(b) Right to Justice
(c) Right to vote
(d) Right to complain
Answer: (c) Right to vote
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66. What does ‘Absolutist’ mean?
(a) A Philosophy
(b) A Theory
(c) Monarchical Government
(d) A Painting
Answer: (c) Monarchical Government
67. German philosopher Johann Gotfried Herder claimed that true German culture was discovered through
(a) Folk songs, folk poetry, folk dances
(b) Common people — das volk
(c) Vernacular language
(d) All the above
Answer: (d) All the above
68. A large part of Balkan region was under the control of:
(a) Russian empire
(b) Ottoman empire
(c) German empire
(d) Habsburg rulers
Answer: (b) Ottoman empire
69. The first clear expression of nationalism came with:
(a) The American Revolution
(b) The French Revolution
(c) The Russian Revolution
(d) The Industrial Revolution
Answer: (b) The French Revolution
70. Cavour’s contribution to Italian unification was :
(a) Diplomatic alliance with the enemies of Austria
(b) War with Austrians and Bourbons.
(c) Diplomatic alliance with France in 1859 and strengthening Sardinia and Piedmont
(d) Defeated the Bourbon kings
Answer: (c) Diplomatic alliance with France in 1859 and strengthening Sardinia and Piedmont
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