MCQs for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources

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Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 3 Water Resources MCQ
1. Which one of the following statements is not an argument in favour of multi-purpose river projects?
(a) Multi-purpose projects bring water to those areas which suffer from water scarcity.
(b) Multi-purpose projects by regulating water flow help to control floods.
(c) Multi-purpose projects lead to large-scale displacements and loss of livelihood.
(d) Multi-purpose projects generate electricity for our industries and our homes.
Answer: (c) Multi-purpose projects lead to large-scale displacements and loss of livelihood.
2. The major source of fresh water in India is
(a) rainfall
(b) ground water
(c) atmospheric water
(d) ocean water
Answer: (b) ground water
3. Which of the following areas would you immediately associate with water scarcity?
(a) Deserts of Rajasthan
(b) The Ganga Plains
(c) Hills of North-Eastern India
(d) Coastal areas of Orissa
Answer: (a) Deserts of Rajasthan
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4. Which is not a source of fresh water?
(a) Glaciers and ice sheets
(b) Groundwater
(c) Surface run off
(d) Oceans
Answer: (d) Oceans
5. Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a technique to recharge
(a) ground water
(b) river water
(c) lake water
(d) sea water
Answer: (a) ground water
6. Which of the following contributes approximately 22 per cent of the total electricity produced in India today?
(a) Solar power
(b) Hydroelectric power
(c) Industries
(d) Geothermal energy
Answer: (b) Hydroelectric power
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7. According to Falkan Mark, water stress occurs when:
(a) water availability is less than 1000 cubic metre per person per day.
(b) there is no water scarcity.
(c) there is flood.
(d) water availability is more than 1000 cubic metre per person per day.
Answer: (a) water availability is less than 1000 cubic metre per person per day.
8. Which of the following is a reason for water scarcity in a region with sufficient water to meet the requirements of the people?
(a) Huge population
(b) Less rainfall
(c) Power requirement
(d) Pollution
Answer: (d) Pollution
9. Bhakra Nangal River Valley Project is made on the river:
(a) Sutlej-Beas
(b) Ravi-Chenab
(c) Ganga
(d) Son
Answer: (a) Sutlej-Beas
10. Rana Pratap Sagar Dam is located in
(a) Odisha
(b) Uttarakhand
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Andhra Pradesh
Answer: (c) Rajasthan
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11. Which of the following problems arises due to water pollution?
(a) Sedimentation of water bodies
(b) Water-borne diseases
(c) Discharge of industrial waste
(d) Spawning of aquatic life
Answer: (b) Water-borne diseases
12. Hirakud Dam is constructed on the river:
(a) Ganga
(b) Manjira
(c) Manas
(d) Mahanadi
Answer: (d) Mahanadi
13. The Narmada Bachao Andolan is associated with
(a) Sardar Sarovar Dam
(b) Tehri Dam
(c) Hirakud Dam
(d) Gandhi Sagar Dam
Answer: (a) Sardar Sarovar Dam
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14. Which of the following is one of the largest artificial lakes of ancient India built in the 11th century?
(a) Govindsagar Lake
(b) Hauz Khas
(c) Bhopal Lake
(d) Dal Lake
Answer: (c) Bhopal Lake
15. Water of Bhakra Nangal Project is being used mainly for:
(a) hydel power and irrigation
(b) fish breeding and navigation
(c) industrial use
(d) flood control
Answer: (a) hydel power and irrigation
16. How much of earth’s surface is covered with water?
(a) One-fourth
(b) Half
(c) Three-fourth
(d) Two-third
Answer: (c) Three-fourth
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17. Which of the following hydraulic structures is built in river basins?
(a) Lakes
(b) Dams
(c) Tanks
(d) Water harvesting
Answer: (b) Dams
18. The diversion channels seen in the Western Himalayas are called:
(a) Guls or Kuls
(b) Khadins
(c) Johads
(d) Recharge pits
Answer: (a) Guls or Kuls
19. Sardar Sarovar Dam is situated on the river named
(a) Ganga
(b) Godavari
(c) Mahanadi
(d) Narmada
Answer: (d) Narmada
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20. Which of the following hydraulic structures was constructed by Iltutmish in the 14th century for supplying water to Siri Fort area?
(a) Water harvesting at Sringaverapura near Allahabad
(b) Bhopal Lake
(c) Tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi
(d) Irrigation work at Nagarjunakonda
Answer: (c) Tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi
21. Agricultural fields which are used as rainfed storage structures are called:
(a) Kuls
(b) Khadins/Johads
(c) Recharge pits
(d) None of the above
Answer: (b) Khadins/Johads
22. Which of the following social movements is/ are not a resistance to multi-purpose projects?
(a) Narmada Bachao Andolan
(b) Tehri Dam Andolan
(c) Navdanya
(d) Chipko Movement
Answer: (c) Navdanya
23. For which of the following purposes were dams traditionally built
(a) For generating electricity
(b) For supplying water to industries
(c) For flood control
(d) To impound river and rain water for irrigation
Answer: (d) To impound river and rain water for irrigation
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24. Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to store rainwater for drinking is called:
(a) Tankas
(b) Khadin
(c) Ponds
(d) Kuls
Answer: (a) Tankas
25. The remote village that has earned the rare distinction of being rich in rainwater?
(a) Gari
(b) Kaza
(c) Gendathur
(d) none of the above
Answer: (c) Gendathur
26. On which of the following rivers is the Hirakud dam constructed?
(a) Satluj
(b) Beas
(c) Mahanadi
(d) Narmada
Answer: (c) Mahanadi
27. In Western Rajasthan today plenty of water is available due to:
(a) rooftop water harvesting
(b) perennial Rajasthan Canal
(c) construction of Tankas
(d) none of the above
Answer: (b) perennial Rajasthan Canal
28. Bamboo drip irrigation system is prevalent in:
(a) Manipur
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Mizoram
(d) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: (b) Meghalaya
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29. Which of the following state governments have raised the Krishna-Godavari dispute?
(a) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh\
(b) Gujarat and Rajasthan
(c) Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
(d) Karnataka and Maharashtra
Answer: (a) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
30. The only State which has made rooftop rainwater harvesting structure compulsory to all the houses is:
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Karnataka
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) West Bengal
Answer: (c) Tamil Nadu
31. On which of the following issues did the Narmada Bachao Andolan first focus?
(a) Benefits of irrigation to landless farmers
(b) Environmental issues related to submergence of trees under the dam water
(c) Rehabilitation of the people displaced due to construction of the dam
(d) Economic issues of wastage of money for the construction of the dam
Answer: (b) Environmental issues related to submergence of trees under the dam water
32. Which one of the following is not an adverse effect of irrigation?
(a) Irrigation changes cropping pattern
(b) Water intensive crops are grown in dry areas
(c) Salinisation of soil
(d) Increases crop yield
Answer: (d) Increases crop yield
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33. Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to store rainwater for drinking is called:
(a) Tankas
(b) Khadin
(c) Ponds
(d) Kuls
Answer: (a) Tankas
34. On which of the following rivers is Koyena dam built?
(a) Krishna
(b) Kaveri
(c) Ganga
(d) Mahanadi
Answer: (a) Krishna
35. What percentage of the total volume of world’s water is estimated to exist as oceans?
(a) 94.5%
(b) 95.5%
(c) 96.5%
(d) 97.5%
Answer: (c) 96.5%
36. Which of the following dams are part of Chambal Project?
(a) Maithon, Panchet, Tilaiya, Konar, Bokaro
(b) Pravara, Ramagundam
(c) Rana Pratap Sagar, Gandhi Sagar
(d) Sardar Sarovar Dam
Answer: (c) Rana Pratap Sagar, Gandhi Sagar
37. In which of the following regions, people built ‘Guls’ and ‘Kuls’ for irrigation?
(a) Northern Plains
(b) Western Himalayas
(c) Coastal areas
(d) None of these
Answer: (b) Western Himalayas
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38. Who among the following proclaimed dams as the temple of modern India?
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Sardar Patel
(d) Mahtama Gandhi
Answer: (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
39. What is the contribution of hydroelectricity in the total generation of electricity?
(a) 52%
(b) 42%
(c) 32%
(d) 22%
Answer: (d) 22%
40. Which one of the following is not an adverse effect of dams?
(a) Interstate water disputes
(b) Excessive sedimentation of Reservoir
(c) Displacement of population(d) Flood control
Answer: (d) Flood control
41. Which of the following rivers is not having any multipurpose river project?
(a) Satluj-Beas
(b) Mahanadi
(c) Narmada
(d) Yamuna
Answer: (d) Yamuna
42. On which one of the following rivers Mettur dam is constructed?
(a) River Kaveri
(b) River Krishna
(c) River Godavari
(d) River Mahanadi
Answer: (a) River Kaveri
43. Which of the following structures are known as ‘tankas’?
(a) Underground tanks for storing rainwater harvested from roof tops for drinking purpose
(b) Tanks constructed on rooftops for storing rainwater
(c) Tanks constructed in agricultural fields to store rainwater
(d) Tanks constructed to store floodwater
Answer: (a) Underground tanks for storing rainwater harvested from roof tops for drinking purpose
44. Due to which of the following reasons are rooftop rainwater harvesting commonly practised, particularly in Rajasthan?
(a) To store water for irrigation
(b) To keep the house cool
(c) To store drinking water
(d) To clean the rooftops
Answer: (c) To store drinking water
45. Which of the following multipurpose projects is found in the Satluj-Beas river basin?
(a) Hirakud Project
(b) Damodar Valley Corporation
(c) Bhakra Nangal Project
(d) Rihand Project
Answer: (c) Bhakra Nangal Project
46. On which of the following rivers are the Tilaiya, Panchet, Maithon, Konar and Bokaro dams located?
(a) Satluj
(b) Damodar
(c) Mahanadi
(d) Krishna
Answer: (b) Damodar
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47. Which of the following river projects or groups of river projects provide hydroelectricity to the industries of Maharasthra?
(a) Pravara Project and Koyna Project
(b) Hirakud Project
(c) Nagarjuna Sagar Project and Tungabhadra Project
(d) Ghatprabha Project and Mettur Project
Answer: (a) Pravara Project and Koyna Project
48. Which of the following is not one of the reasons for criticism of multipurpose river valley projects?
(a) They create a rockier stream bed
(b) They create poorer habitats for the river’s acquatic life
(c) The reservoirs created in the floodplain submerge vegetation
(d) They help in generation of hydroelectricity
Answer: (d) They help in generation of hydroelectricity
49. Which of the following hydraulic structures is not a feature of ancient times?
(a) Multipurpose river valley projects
(b) Dams built of stone rubble
(c) Reservoirs or lakes
(d) Embankments and canals
Answer: (a) Multipurpose river valley projects
50. Due to which of the following reasons are rooftop rainwater harvesting commonly practised, particularly in Rajasthan?
(a) To store water for irrigation
(b) To keep the house cool
(c) To store drinking water
(d) To clean the rooftops
Answer: (c) To store drinking water
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