Important Previous Year Questions for Class 10 English Poem 2 Fire and Ice

Important Previous Year Questions for Class 10 for English Poem 2 Fire and Ice. In this post, we will share with you all the detailed Important Previous Year Questions for Class 10 English Poem 2 Fire and Ice. This will contain Important Questions that are usually asked in the exams or that cover important concepts of the chapter and Previous Year Questions.
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Class 10 English Poem 2 Fire and Ice
Question 1:
How can fire destroy the world?
‘Fire’ symbolizes passion or hatred. It will lead to conflicts and ultimately result in the destruction of the world. Fire represents desire that is fervent, consuming, always wanting more. Ice represents hatred that is hard and cold.
Question 2:
What does the poet think about the end of the world?
The poet thinks about the end of the world that people think fire is the main cause of destruction. But by the end of the poem, he says that both Fire and Ice are equally destructive. Both have the same power of causing destruction.
Question 3:
What are two different views about the end of the world in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’?
The two different views of people regarding the end of the world are—Fire and Ice i.e., desire and hatred.
Question 4:
What do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for and what is the general opinion regarding the world?
Fire stands for fury hatred, anger, cruelty; ice is symbolic of insensitivity coldness and intolerance-General opinion-some say ice, while others say the fire will destroy the world.
Question 5:
What deep meaning does the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ carry in it?
The Poet has compared Frost to the dark side of humanity i.e., hatred and lust. According to the poet, lust is a greater evil. Desire or lust is the cause of war. Hatredness is also harmful. So the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ represents that the two evils hated and lust lead to the destruction of the world.
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Question 6:
What message does the poet wish to convey through the poem ‘Fire and ‘Ice’?
The poet presents two possibilities about the end of the world. It will be either due to ‘Fire and ‘Ice’ he prefers the first as he believes the world will end in the fire but the ice will not go away.
Question 7:
What do ‘Fire’ and ‘Ice’ stand for and what is the general opinion regarding the world?
Fire’ stands for fury, desire, lust, anger, avarice, cruelty, greed. Ice is symbolic of hatred, coldness,
rigidity, insensitivity, and intolerance. The general opinion regarding the world is that the world will end in fire and some say in ice. Both the reasons contrast each other and one is equally opposed to the other. People who favor fire believe that it will be the heat and passion which will end the world. On the other side, some people think that it will be the ice which will freeze the world.
Question 8:
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) What are the two destructive forces?
(iii) What do they stand for?
(iv) What does he favor?
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ composed by Robert Frost.
(ii) ‘Fire’ and ‘Ice’ are two destructive forces according to the poet.
(iii) ‘Fire’ stands for ‘desire’ and ‘Ice’ stands for ‘hatred’.
(iv) Robert Frost supports the view that fire would cause the destruction of the world.
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Question 9:
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great And would suffice.
(i) What does ‘Ice’ stand for?
(ii) What does the poet believe?
(iii) What is another destructive force?
(iv) Find a word in these lines that means opposite to ‘creation’.
(i) Ice stands for hatred in this poem.
(ii) Robert Frost believes that Ice is equally destructive and can destroy the world.
(iii) Fire is another destructive force.
(iv) ‘Destruction’.
Question 10:
Today’s world is conflict-ridden. People fight over various issues and there is no peace in the world. Explain/Describe based on your reading of the poem ‘Fire’ and ‘Ice’.
Hatred is a predominant issue in today’s world. The Neighbour hates his neighbor, brother hates his brother. None is willing to forgive each other or tolerate each other. As a result of the hatred, we live in a very fragmented world. If hatred continues to rule our lives and world, nothing will remain intact. All our achievements will perish and the world will come to an end. If we have to save the world we need to learn how to forget and forgive. For this, we need to have an enormous amount of love and compassion and be willing to tolerate the differences and learn to get along with each other.
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