CBSE Boards 2022: Latest Exam Updates, New Exam Pattern, Exams in 2 parts, from November

We have been waiting for a long time to hear an update from CBSE about 2022 Board Exams for Class 10 and 12. Finally, an update has come and it says that the pattern of Class 10 and Class 12 2022 Board exams is going to be quite different. What are the changes? Are here shown below.
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What are the major changes?
The exams now will be conducted in two phases – Term 1 and Term 2.
When will the exams be held?
Term 1 Exams will be held in November 2021, and Term 2 Exams will be held in March-April 2022.
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What will be the pattern?
Term 1 Exam will be an MCQ-based exam. Term 2 exam will be a Subjective based Exam.
Are both exams equally important?
Yes, both the exams are equally important as both will be full-fledged exams. Even the MCQ exam will be conducted properly with all the invigilators. Both the exams will carry a weightage of 50% syllabus each.
What will be the syllabus?
The syllabus will be notified here as soon as there are some firm updates, but for now, 50% syllabus will come in Term 1 exams, and the rest 50% in Term 2 exams.
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Do I have to focus in School’s Internal Exams as well?
Yes, internal assessments have to be taken seriously this time. As we’ve already seen with 2021 exams, all of a sudden internal assessment gained high weightage, so be prepared to score well in all practicals and internal exams of the school.
Will these exams be online or offline?
As of now, we are not sure about the status of exams, considering the COVID Situation.
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On what basis results will be declared?
- In case schools are closed during November-December, Term 1 exams will be held online and its weightage in the final result will be reduced and that of Term 2 exams will be increased.
- In case schools are closed during March-April exams, results will be based on Term 1 Exams + Internal assessments.
- In case schools are closed during Term 1 and Term 2 exams, results will be based on Internal Assessment/Practical/Project Work and Theory marks of Term-I and II exams taken by the candidate from home.
- In case schools are open in both Term 1 and Term 2 Exams, both the exams will have equal weightage in the final results.
When will the next updates come?
Next updates will be published in July 2021.
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