CBSE Board Exams Dates almost finalized, when after February? – Education Minister

Education Minister of India, Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal came live on Twitter today to address the teachers and the students and solve the never ending queries about syllabus and exam dates. Though there has not been any exact answer received yet, updates clear a lot of confusion.
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But what matters to you?
At Padhle, we make sure that the things that matter to you are first delivered. Then we can talk about rest of the things. The things that matter to you mostly are Exam Dates, and further reduction of syllabus. Well that’s what a student wants, we got you!
Will we have Online Board Exams?
The Education Minister cleared that since a lot of students do not have access to Laptop, Phone and Internet, conduction exams online would be highly impractical.
Crux: So, no Online Exams.
Further redcuction of syllabus?
The Education Minister said that the syllabus has already been scrapped off by 30%. Also, in the papers, there will be 33% internal choices. Moreover many State Governments have also decided to reduce the syllabus.
Crux: No new updates on the reduction of the syllabus, however, there will be 33% internal choice questions in the paper.
Will we have pre-boards then?
Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal said that since the board exams are anyway going to be delayed, the question of pre-boards will be solved within that time frame.
Crux: No firm confirmation/update about dates or anything.
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Well, what about JEE then?
To make JEE easier for the students, out of 90 questions, students would need to answer 75. There will be more internal choices in JEE as well.
Crux: More internal choices, however, in competitive exams, its all about the rest of the competition, so little do these things matter in general. So Padhlo!
Ok, coming back, Boards 2021?
Finally, there has been an update received. Though we don’t have the exact dates of time frame as such, but as it was hyped by the rumours, that there will be no exams will February, this has come true. Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal confirmed that exams will definitely be held, but after February.
Crux: No confirmed date received, but till February, definitely there are no exams.
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Bottomline: There is still no date or timeline received, but we at least have our green time zone extended till February. However, the doubt about Online Exams has been cleared. Also, there was no update about the further reduction till now, and also about the pre-boards.
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